Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What a Day!

Today was a day full of work and new things!  It started out with a bible study which has always been a great way to start any day!  After that we got started on the project for building the kids fort in the back of Jared’s house.  The 6 support beams are in the ground with cement, and are drying over night as I type.  Real interesting to ride around in a car here.  Very exciting.  I could really get use to the driving here because some times, you feel like it’s a game of bumper cars, except you get as close to the other cars as possible without hitting them! :)  Kira (my wife) would not like it so much, but that’s because she probably experiences it enough with me at home anyways, where actual traffic laws apply! Haha

We got to meet some members of Harvest Managua today that took their lunch shift off to come serve us lunch!  I thought we were here to serve them, but that was awesome.  To top that, I feel like we’ve known them for years and I haven’t talked to them but about 20ish minutes is all.  They were really excited for us to be there today.  I was excited to use what little Spanish I do know and communicate with them.  They have the Harvest Family vibe to them and I do feel like we are brothers and sisters, not just in Christ but as family.  I’m looking forward to meeting more people!

As for the culture here, I didn’t know what to expect as far as what I would compare to the U.S.A.  I can assure you that my thoughts were a bit high.  Nicaragua is the poorest country in Central America and the second poorest in the Hemisphere.  There are a plethora of rickshaws (little three wheeled taxi’s) and lots of people always outside.  Seeing the Church office and places surrounding it, it has been very eye opening.  Surprisingly, I feel as though I'm at home.  There is no uncomfortable feeling even though I thought there would be at first.  I have taken about 300ish pictures today and will be taking more and more each day.

Until tomorrow,


Here are some pictures just from today though.

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